25 Mar

Renewal Leader

Daca esti un inovator, un creativ/disruptiv, un om de success, sofisticat si activ, cu o inalta stima de sine, ai resursele tale de timp, bani sau networking, ai idealuri, ambitii si obiective in viata, un scop clar pe care vrei sa-l realizezi si o dorinta arzatoare pentru inalta performanta.

Daca  iti plac provocarile, esti deschis la noile tehnologii, la cele mai out-of-the-box” idei si vrei sa experimentezi un upgrade mental care sa-i dea o dinamica exploziva misiunii tale personale, ideilor tale, obiectivelor tale si experientelor tale.

Ai toate ingredientele pentru a fi un potential Renewal Leader.

25 Mar

Execution Leader

Daca ai un stil de viata “goal-oriented” si un “commitment” profund pentru cariera/companie si famile,

Daca esti dispus sa iti asumi riscuri pentru a avea success si pentru a obtine ce ti-ai propus, prin descoperirea de sine si utilizarea resurselor necunoscute din tine si din ceilalti,

Daca iti masori sistematic performanta, o contabilizezi si o perfectionezi,

Daca esti dispus sa te dezvolti si sa ii ajuti si pe cei din jurul tau sa-si dezvolte competentele, motivatia si responsabiliatea,

Daca viata ta sociala se reflecta in a te focusa pe locul de munca, business sau acasa,

Ai toate ingredientele pentru a fi un potential Execution Leader.

25 Mar

Alignment Leader

Daca esti charismatic, contopesti ideile si  cautarile celorlalti, ii convingi sa isi urmeze calea, visul, destinul personal, impreuna. 

Daca poti sa mediezi conflictele interioare ale prietenilor tai sau oamenilor din echipa.

Daca oamenii sunt importanti pentru tine, cu trairile lor si credintele lor si stii cum sa ii poti ajuta, ghida, sustine sa evolueze, sa performeze, sa obtina succesul dorit …si nu numai atat…  esti un candidat excelent pentru a conduce orice organizatie catre performanta financiara si de piata, esti candidatul politic care va fi urmat de membrii organizatiei pentru a avea succes, politic, social sau cultural…

Ai toate ingredientele pentru a fi un potential Alignment Leader.


23 Mar



An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users. More often than not, the Internet Troll does not know the target recipient(s) of their vitriolic statements and behaviors. Internet Trolls regularly appear in all forms of online mediums ranging from online video gaming gatherings to chatroom and forum discussions. When the Internet Troll’s inflammatory statements and actions do not include a direct or implied physical threat to the target(s), their behavior is categorizes as cyber harassment. If the Troll’s verbal assaults include direct or implied physical threats to their target(s), their actions are then defined as cyberstalking. The motivations for an Internet Troll’s provocative, and often times, bizarre behaviors are numerous. Despite the variations in modus operandi, the vast majority of Trolls are seeking attention, recognition, stimulation pseudo-notoriety and retribution for some unknown perceived injustice. Although there is no hard evidence or clinical research validating the psychology of the Internet Troll, it is commonly believed that the “Veil of Anonymity” afforded to every online user inspires some to engage in egregious behaviors. Those who have begun to investigate the etiology of the Troll suggest that the anonymity of the internet contributes to what has been called, disinhibition effect. It has been postulated that internet anonymity leads some to behave in asocial ways coupled with a lack of guilt or remorse for the harm they cause not being in the target’s physical presence or even knowing their identity.Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D

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06 May

Persuasiunea de precizie


Cum evoci, provoci, seduci, cum te transformi folosind cu precizie chirurgicala cuvintele pentru a elibera si a persuada,  cand comunici in limitele ecologiei comportamentale.

Nu de alta dar lucrurile inseamna ceva cand spui “au trecut examenele” si cu totul altceva cand spui “au trecut examenele” 🙂
