31 Mar





Variatia tonala corelata cu variatia emotiilot traite=transmise

“Chaplin, posing as the dictator begins his speech rather unobtrusively, speaking simply and softly. However, as the speech progresses, he becomes more and more emotionally involved and passionate about what he is saying. His voice level rises, he begins gesticulating wildly, and everything he is saying becomes more relatable because of his delivery. Before the audience even takes into account what is being said, they are intrigued by the simple fact that the presenter is so enamored with his subject. The audience is immediately more attuned to the speaker because of his intensity. They are captured by his delivery, and thus are exhilarated about the subject, more inclined to truly listen and understand the plea that Chaplin is making to better humanity.

Once Chaplin ensnares his audience by his delivery tactic, he is in prime position to provoke his listeners, those sitting in the theater watching his film, to react to his appeal. Chaplin creates a very provocative emotional appeal. He claims that humanity has sacrificed the responsibility to provide a quality lifeto all people and replaced that responsibility with greed, hate, pessimism, and violence. He uses intensely charged words that cut straight to the core of human emotion. One of the most electrifying statements he makes is that “We think too much and feel too little: more than machinery, we need humanity; morethat cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost”. Humanity is immediately criticized, but the critique is warranted.  Chaplin’s use of pathos to call his audience to action is outstanding. He uses phrases such as “We think too much andfeel to little” to conjure up feelings of remorse and conviction regarding the current state of affairs in the human population. When the audience is faced with this judgment and experiences these emotions, it immediately begins looking for ways to reverse the opinion.” – Savannah Boothe, Professor Lori Bedell

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